Toni Bernhart examines the use of colour words in the prose of Hans Henny Jahnn by means of statistical methods. The empirical study is impressive because of its meticulous statistical description of the distri-bution of the colour etyma. Bernhart does not confine himself to a quan-titative analysis; he records semantic differentiations and the assignment of colour words to different entities, which allows him to draw qualita-tive conclusions about Jahnn's semantics of colour and which give in-sight into the linguistic structure of his use of colour. Through empirical evidence, Bernhart's results confirm and refine the present philological findings in many respects. The extensive analysis of data, which pro-duces an enormous number of observations, makes Bernhart's work a treasury for the study of Jahnn's prose.
Rezensionstext siehe unter: <http://computerphilologie.uni-muenchen.de/jg04/rezensionen/dimpelrez.html>.