In his dissertation entitled Computer-based scholarly editions. Context, concept, creation, clientele, Sören Steding addresses the computerphilological topic of electronic editions from a literary critic's viewpoint. The paper thus provides an important contribution to recent edition research work. It attempts to establish a linkage between the production of electronic editions and due regard for the dictates of literary criticism, one that is of equal topical relevance to edition philologists and literary critics, and based on media-responsive utilisation of computers. The author restricts himself exclusively to computer-based scholarly editions, produced explicitly for the internet, and also published there. He does not deal with printed editions produced merely with the aid of a computer, or with what are called hybrid editions, which supplement the printed editions with digital media. The study can thus be placed within the context of researchers who expect books to become obsolete as part of the media's natural evolution and expressly welcome this development with regard to the options being provided by the New Media.
Rezensionstext siehe unter: <http://computerphilologie.uni-muenchen.de/jg04/rezensionen/dimpelrez.html>.