The Stuttgart Electronic Study Bible (SESB) version 1.0 was published on July 2004 based on the Libronix Digital Library version 2.1b. It in-cludes critical editions of Hebrew and Greek texts, linguistic databases, dictionaries and modern language translations. The implemented graphi-cal user interface is intuitive and easy-to-use. A bilingual manual, English and German, is provided.
Hardware requirements: PC with Pentium II min. 300 MHz, 128 MB RAM (512 MB recommended), 60-400 MB free hard disk space, screen resolution 1024x768, CD-ROM drive. Operating systems: Windows 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4.0 (SP3), 2000 or XP. Application software: Internet-Explorer version 6.0.
Even though the SESB is not satisfactory from a linguistic point of view, it will be helpful to all those interested in biblical languages and texts. The usefulness of the SESB lies in its extensive compilation of texts and translations, as well as multifarious research tools, links to dic-tionaries and grammatical information based on classical models, respec-tively. I eagerly await the further development of the SESB.
Rezensionstext siehe unter: <http://computerphilologie.uni-muenchen.de/jg04/rezensionen/birusdon.html>.