Stefan George's preparation of the complete edition of his works was meticulous. Unique among 20th century authors in this respect, George's aim was to monumentalize his oeuvre into a kind of "complete work of art", rendering it transparent for artistic, academic and literary critics of the future, right down to the fine detail of typographical presentation. For this reason, no new edition of the complete works which pretends to present the complexity of George's complete works can ignore a special responsibility to the author. The excellence of the electronic edition by Sarah George and Martina Gödel, now available as volume 99 of the Digital Library, fully meets this challenge. Not only does the CD-ROM provide a digital, full-text version of George's complete works including all illustrations and appendices; it also features the facsimiles of the original texts. The complete edition has been enlarged by posthumously published texts, "Einleitungen und Merksprüche" from "Blätter für die Kunst", as well as the facsimile manuscript of "Das Jahr der Seele". The edition also includes Friedrich Gundolf's monography on George, one of the key texts explaining how George and his circle were viewed by his contemporaries. Readers of this digital edition are able to enjoy all the functionality (search functions, navigation etc.) which the proven Digital Library standard provides, and which in recent years has seen a continuous enhancement. In short: the digital edition of George's complete works is something no teaching or research institution can afford to be without.
Rezensionstext siehe unter: <http://computerphilologie.uni-muenchen.de/jg04/rezensionen/birusdon.html>.