Peter Gendolla/Jörgen Schäfer (eds.): The Aesthetics of Net Literature. Writing, Reading and Playing in Programmable Media. Bielefeld: transcript 2007.


The volume The Aesthetics of Net Literature is a collection of contributions that analyzes different forms of literary experiments with computer and internet. The main focus of most of the articles lies on the question how the medium changes the traditional literary trias of the author, the text and the reader. In this context most of the contributions refer to a rather traditional notion of aesthetics as a genuine theory of art, so that the main questions treated are the structures of narration in comparison to games, and the changes of the role model for the author and the reader. Although the notion of the »net« as part of the term »net literature« is only discussed in relation to programming and not in its context of human interaction through the machine, the volume shows the still lively discussion around a complex of aesthetic phenomena in »programmable media« that opens ways for further interdisciplinary research.

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